The good news is that spring, at least in Arkansas, seems to have actually and truly arrived. (As I type this, it's 72 degrees outside.) And not a second too soon either, because starting this Thursday morning I'm heading eastward with my family in our minivan to visit relatives and do an Island Fog mini-tour. One has to arrange these dates a ridiculous amount of time in advance, so I'm keeping my fingers severely crossed that in the northeast, even if it's colder than here, the snow and sleet and slush are done. No more cancellations, please!
For anyone reading this blog who lives in or around upstate NY, here are the events I'm doing in the next ten days or so. (I'm leaving off one date with a book club in Auburn, NY, because that's private!)
Saturday, March 21, 11a-1p: Book signing at Market Block Books in Troy, NY. A lovely, old fashioned bookstore in an historic building in a charming city just outside of Albany. [That's Market Block in the picture above.] My father-in-law and his wife will be there, along with several of their friends. Come join us!

Friday, March 27, 7p: Reading and book signing at the Downtown Writer's Center in Syracuse, NY. This venue hosts an ambitious schedule of reading events every semester. As a visitor from faraway Arkansas, I'm honored to be on the program.