Hey everyone. Thought I should formally notify
Creating Van Gogh aficionados that my long-anticipated (at least in my own brain) new blog is finally up and running. Just two posts at present, but those will build I'm sure. After much back and forth I named the new blog
Payperazzi. My first thought, "Paperazzi," was a name already taken, so I used "pay" instead. Cute, huh? Wasn't sure about that, but then I realized that perhaps it's indeed appropriate. First off, most writing isn't done on paper anymore. That's a simple fact. So why would I want to sound like a dinosaur that eats trees and asks others to? More to the point, the idea behind the new blog is that it enables me to speak more frequently and more directly to issues, opinions, myths, and outcomes associated with teaching writing in higher education. In other words, as a literal writing professional I get "pay"d to teach writing--and being a teacher of writing gives me a certain vantage point on, and entry point into, discussions of what's right and wrong in the writing life of the nation these days, and the writing life of the nation's students these days. I'm sure you've heard such discussions yourself; perhaps you've contributed to them; and perhaps, like me, you're sick of them! But there's so much arrogant misinformation passing as wisdom these days that I feel obliged to speak up, speak out, share stories, and shed some light. Hopefully, that's what
Payperazzi will accomplish. So move on over (follow
this link to the new blog) and stay tuned.
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