The official countdown for the October 1 release of my linked story collection
Island Fog, published by
Lavender Ink in New Orleans
, starts today! Beginning today and continuing until the release date, I am running a giveaway promotion on
Goodreads. Shortly thereafter I will be mailing free copies of the book to three lucky Goodreads users. If you aren't a member of Goodreads already, you really need to be. (Because if you read this blog I know you're a book lover.) Unlike some social networking sites, I find myself coming back to Goodreads over and over.
So how do I enter the giveaway? Easy. Just follow
this link, and you'll be there. Click on the "Enter to Win" button, provide your contact information, and you are officially entered!
I'm excited, not just for my book, which I am deeply proud of, but for this chance to get it into the hands of someone who's curious about it and wants to dive in. Or just into the hands of someone who loves books!
Good luck to everybody who enters. I'm eager to see who wins!
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